Khamis, 7 Oktober 2010

Sibuk adalah alasan I copy paste

I terasa nak menulis kerana banyak yang I nak cerita, tapi kesibukan I menyebabkan I tak cukup masa duduk menghadap mesin Charles Babbage ni. Tapi I terbaca suatu artikel yang menarik walaupun I tak setuju dengan kebanyakan fakta dalam artikel tersebut. I copy paste je untuk renungan kawan-kawan I.

Why men cheat is something that women have been thinking about for many years, and to be honest, women aren’t guilt free when it comes to this topic either. Men and women know that it's wrong on their unsuspecting partner, and while there are those who would never dream of cheating, there are countless that do. The Kinsey sex report in 1950 stated that 50 per cent of men will cheat at some point, and the numbers haven’t changed much since then. Today an estimated 40 per cent of men will cheat on their partner.

1. Because they can – it is easier these days forpeople to cheat, especially with the internetand withmorals and thinking have shifted.

2. They get a thrill – men like the thrill of the chase. It boosts their ego, especially if they think they aren’t attractive to the opposite sex anymore.

3. Having their cake and eating it– they stay in the relationship, but aren’t actually in love anymore. They may feel they can’t leave the relationship for differing reasons. It's the best of both.

4. They have been forgiven in the past – reasons for cheating are varied, but if their partner has forgiven them in the past, they may try their luck again and plead forgiveness as it’s worked before.

5. Grown apart – he may not be in love and has found someone else. He may be looking for a reason to get out of the relationship.

6. Fed up – a nagging wife on his back will promptly push him towards other women. Yet, despite the woman not doing anything that excuses cheating, the relationship isn’t healthy anywayif it leads to cheating.

7. They are human – nobody is perfect, and while we aren’t making excuses at all for cheating, everyone makes mistakes which they should hopefully learn from.

All in all, despite this being about men cheating, studies show that a similar amount of women cheat on their partners too and probably for the same reasons. The decision to cheat on your wife/husband isn’t something the person who is cheated on can control.

I suka kesimpulan akhirnya, lagipun I dah nampak persamaan antara ego lelaki dan perempuan. I pernah dengar perempuan cakap "Lelaki boleh buat, takkan aku takbole buat". I rasa persamaan ego antara lelaki dan perempuan ini yang mengundang kepada ketidakserasian bersama. Macam I, I guna pendekatan mengalah. Cuma pendekatan I ini, I sendiri tak pasti sama ada I sayang bini atau TAKUT BINI...

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